

Visionary Leaders

There were some Islamic scholars in Malabar who were deeply concerned about the dichotomous view towards education as religious and secular.
Moulana M.M Basheer Musliyar (1929-1987), Moulana C.H Aidaroos Musliyar (1930-1994), Dr. U. Bapputty Haji (1929-2003), Sayyid Umar Ali Shihab Thangal (1940-2008) Sheikuna Cherusseri Zainuddeen Musliyar (1937-2016), Dr. Bahauddeen Muhammad Nadwi and like came together in  order to bring Islamic educational system back to its original and perennial  vision. After a series of discussions and deliberations on the issue, they  envisioned an amicable combination of religious and secular, spiritual and  material education.